Everything Insure

Reassuringly There - GEAR


GEAR partners with Everything.Insure

Global Emergency Assistance and Response (GEAR) has teamed up with Everything.Insure, an all-in-one digital platform, to bring you access to a new and innovative travel assistance membership, focussed on protecting what really matters – you!

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More about Everything.Insure and GEAR

A travel assistance membership that focuses on emergencies.

A point of incident solution, specifically designed to see you through a crisis.

Customisable benefits

Accident-Related Hospital Cash Benefit

Accidental Damage (Buildings)

Accidental Damage (Contents)

Accidental Damage (Office Contents)

Accidental Damage - Extended (Buildings)

Accidental Damage - Extended (Contents)

Accidental Death and Disability Coverage

Accommodation/ Catering/Travel cost of a companion

Accompanying medical attendants

After-Hours Emergency Illness Coverage

Average Waiver

Bike Fitment

Blackmail & Extortion

Blood Care Foundation

Cancer Treatment Cycle Threshold Shortfall Coverage

Car Hire

Concierge Assist

Cover for Business Run from Home (Assets)

Cover for Business Run from Home (Liabilities)

Cover Limit

Everything.Insure Platform

Our all-in-one platform will empower you to understand and manage all your cover (insurance and memberships) in one place. You’re in complete control of your portfolio with 24/7 online access.

Get quotes and buy instantly

Get multiple comparative quotes from the top providers, and get access to the best products at the best prices.

Manage your cover online

Manage and adjust all your cover in one place. Customise your cover to your budget and needs.

File quick claims

Claiming is quick and easy. You can submit a claim online anytime, anywhere. Stay up-to-date with the status of your claims in real-time.

Introducing GEAR Tech

Our GEAR Tech mobile application provides members with a range of useful features, most importantly it will automatically send you security and safety alerts, based on your current location, it also provides a means of contacting the Global Response Centre when you need assistance.

Why Choose Us?


30-year proven track record
Expert team of in-house trained specialists operating in 130 countries
Global Response Centre (GRC) = support 24/7
Integrated solutions including security, medical and crisis

Instant Support and Response

No matter where in the world, our network is there to provide localised support.
Point of incident response – real-time, on-scene advice and support.
No guarantees of payment are required – we take care of required upfront payments on your behalf.


An integrated solution (emergency security, medical and crisis response)
Claims are instant & paperless
Immediate cashflow
Support is at the click of a button

Personalised Solutions

Personalise your membership by building a plan to suit YOUR needs
Affordable, multi-tiered and scalable packages
Annual or short-term membership plans
Flexible pricing and cover limits

Answers to your questions.

GEAR is a travel assistance membership that is focused on Security and Natural Disaster responses that are not typically available in most travel insurance policies.

GEAR X is the medical aspect of the GEAR Travel Assistance Membership focused on providing medical evacuation along with a host of other benefits.

GEAR Tech is a smart app designed for members to provide them situational awareness and ease of activating their membership.

Simply open the app and press the distress button, this will alarm in our Global Response Centre highlighting your position and we will provide assistance up to the level of benefits included within your membership. No claims forms or extra payments are required.

Yes, apart from when a member elects to travel to Sanctioned countries, or locations where a recognised authority [being the home or host country, British Foreign Office, United States Department of State, and/or the Foreign Office of Canada] advises against all travel, the membership agreement is then amended to security advice only.

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